What is a PCO ? - Clark County Republican Party

Precincts are smallest geographical areas for which officers are elected. Nevertheless, the precinct level is where citizen involvement and grassroots activities happen.

How to contact your PCO

contact your pco

Search for your PCO by Name or Precinct. Click on the PCO# and then click "Click here to contact your representative" to display the contact form. Your form will be sent to your PCO, or if vacant, the Legislative District Director for that precinct. If you need additional assistance, contact us.


This document is intended to highlight the roles and responsibilities of a PCO in the Clark County Republican Party. It is not intended to be detailed. Rather it is intended to be the beginning of a journey of education and experience.

What is a PCO?

Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) are elected officials of the Republican or Democrat party. As a PCO of the Republican Party, you are the primary conduit between voters in your precinct and the Republican Party.

Role of a PCO

A PCO is the grassroots representative of the Republican Party within a precinct. In Clark County, Republican PCOs play a crucial role in organizing and mobilizing conservative voters to participate in elections and shape party policies at the local level. PCOs are the boots on the ground. To win elections we must have a PCO in each precinct reaching voters, persuading them to vote for our candidates and promoting the Republican party.

Requirements to Become a PCO

PCO Election (RCW 29A.80.041& RCW 29A.80.051)

  • Must be at least 18 and a registered voter in the precinct they wish to represent.
  • Must affiliate with the Republican Party.
  • Can be elected during the Primary Election held in even-numbered years. Or they can be appointed after the bi-annual CCRP Organization meeting by the Legislative District (LD) Chair and then by the CCRP Chair to fill a vacancy.
  • File for candidacy with the local elections office during the filing period (typically in May of even-numbered years).
  • If unopposed a PCO candidate is automatically elected, if opposed whoever receives the most votes in the August Primary will be elected
  • Serve a two-year term starting December 1st following the election.

PCO Appointment (RCW 29A.28.071)

  • PCO appointment for open precincts must be after the county reorganization meeting.
  • PCO appointment is made first by the Legislative District (LD) Chair and then by the CCRP Chair to fill a vacancy.

Responsibilities of a PCO

Voter Engagement

  • Introduce yourself to Republican voters in your precinct.
  • Maintain and update a list of registered Republican voters in your precinct.
  • Canvass door-to-door to discuss Republican positions and candidates.
  • Identify and encourage like-minded voters to participate in elections.
  • Answer questions about elections, candidates, and party initiatives.

Party and Election Involvement

  • Attend CCRP and LD meetings to provide input on strategy.
  • Represent your precinct at Republican Party caucus’s and conventions in Presidential election years.
  • Help with Republican voter registration efforts.
  • Distribute campaign literature and yard signs for GOP candidates.
  • Assist in Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts before elections.

Recruitment and Advocacy

  • Recruit volunteers to help with canvassing, phone banking, and logistics.
  • Encourage neighbors to get involved in conservative politics.
  • Advocate for policies that align with the Republican Party platform.

Clark County
Republican Headquarters

2702 NE 114th Ave, Suite 4
Vancouver, WA 98684

Mailing Address:
PO Box 205
Vancouver, WA 98666

Melissa Parmeter, Manager

Phone: (360) 695-1609

Hours Open to the Public

Monday 1-5 PM
Tuesday & Wednesday - Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday - Closed
Saturday - 11 AM-3 PM
Sunday - Closed

Closed Monday 2/17 for Presidents’ Day.

About This Site

This website is paid for and authorized by the Clark County Republican Central Committee and is not authorized by any Candidate or Candidate Committee.

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