Washington State Republican Party Convention

Please understand it will not be cheap to become a delegate and represent Clark County in Spokane at the state convention. The WSRP expects to spend $500,000 to hold the convention. The simple delegate registration fee will be $150. There will be two full days of meetings, Friday and Saturday April 19 and 20. That means you’ll need lodging for at least Thursday night and Friday night, if you are willing to drive home Saturday, departing after the convention ends at 5 pm. Otherwise, you will need lodging for Saturday night as well.
The schedule is tight, so consider buying the lunch package for each day. The 2-day package costs $250, including your delegate registration fee and two lunches. The 3-day package is $350 and also includes the Friday night banquet. Each lunch will have guest speakers.
ALL DELEGATES MUST pay the basic Delegate registration fee of $150 in order to be registered as a delegate to the State Convention (registration fee includes cost of lunch for Friday and Saturday).
March 18 - Deadline for elected Delegates to register and pay fees.
March 25 - Deadline for promoted Delegates to register and pay fees.
March 29 - Deadline for elected Alternates to register and pay fees.
The Delegate registration deadline is just TWO DAYS after our County Convention!
Hotels are generally running in the $150 - $200 per night range. However you can use AirBnB, other hotels not in downtown, or stay with family/friends to save money. The Spokane Convention Center is adjacent to the Davenport Hotel downtown. Four hotels offer WSRP convention prices – here.
On Thursday, there are optional delegate training events and opportunities to meet with the various candidates, plus a reception that evening.
Finally, there will be an election of Delegates and Alternates to attend the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukie, July 15-18. Washington state will have 40 delegates to the RNC. The 3rd Congressional District will have 3 of those delegates. Are you interested in being a delegate or alternate to the RNC?.
Event Information
Event Date | 04-18-2024 |
Event End Date | 04-20-2024 |