PCO 581
- Legislative District: 18
- Precinct: 581
- Full Name: Eric J. Overholser
Contact Form
- Personal Message:
I am in my second term as a Precinct Committee Officer for precinct 581 and have faithfully attended CCRCC meetings as my work and family schedule allow. I am a small business owner serving Clark and Cowlitz counties operating out of Battle Ground. I have volunteered on multiple Republican campaigns recently, most notably for the Republican candidate in the Clark County Sheriff’s race.
I value, above all, God, my family, and my country. Individual rights are given to us by God and are enshrined in the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Washington. Government exists to protect life, liberty, and property and should remain minimal outside of that role. I will not support any law, mandate, ordinance, or policy that infringes upon a person’s individual rights. I believe that government should be bottom-up, meaning governmental decision-making should ultimately belong to the People, and elected officials should use the power entrusted to them to do the will of the same.
Accountability of all elected officials is paramount in effective government, and no such official is above or exempt from following the law. It’s of the utmost importance for the government as an entity, as well as employees and elected officials, are held to the highest moral standards and function only within their proper boundaries.
I hold family values in the highest esteem, including a parents’ right to make decisions for their children in regard to education, healthcare, morals, and more. I will support homeschooling, charter schools, private and public school options while emphasizing the importance of schools outside the home focusing on basic education, including reading, writing, mathematics, and true history. Education should be funded based on student needs, not the administration.
The sanctity of life is a value I hold dear, and I will not compromise on that core belief.
I stand strongly against tolling on public roadways but support the creation of new and expanded infrastructure, as well as the need to update existing roads to keep them safe for drivers and pedestrians alike. I support private property rights and economic freedom, standing firmly against Socialism. I will advocate for fiscal responsibility in government and support trimming unnecessary spending. I stand against state income tax.
Crime is best diverted by both a robust and funded police department as well as firm punishment for offenders. I support our local police departments and will not support any legislation diverting funding from public safety. At the national level, a closed border with strict enforcement is essential to national security.
I strongly believe in preserving the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which are essential to this great nation as we know it. In a government role, simply put, I will support policies and laws that further those values and stand against those that do not. Thank you for your consideration in recognizing me as a Republican candidate for Battle Ground City Council.
Eric Overholser