Tactical Civics Taking America Back One County at a Time

Taking America Back One County At a Time
Do you think...
...there are to many 'criminals' and not enough public servants in government?
...all criminals need consequences, and that our public servants need better supervision?
...someone like 'We the People' should do something about it
Did You Answer - YES?
Do You want to Learn about the Lawful and Permanent Solution?
Vancouver, Washington Seminar: Rep. Headquarters Conference Room • 2102 NE 114th Avenue, Unit • Second and Fourth Wednesdays • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Information
Event Date | 05-22-2024 |
Location | Clark County Republican Headquarters |
Venue Information - Clark County Republican Headquarters
Clark County Republican Headquarters
2702 NE 114th Ave, Suite 4
Vancouver, WA 98684