If a voter does not receive a ballot by Thursday, July 25, they should contact the Elections Office at (564) 397-2345 to request a replacement ballot. Starting July 22, replacement ballots may also be requested or accessed electronically at VoteWA.gov to print out and return by mail or drop box. Email requests should be sent . The mailing address is Clark County Elections Office, PO Box 8815, Vancouver, WA 98666-8815.
The last day to submit new voter registrations and voter updates to existing registrations online or by mail is 5 pm Monday, July 29.
Voters may still register and update existing voter registrations after July 29, but must do so in person by 8 pm Tuesday, August 6.
Citizens can register or update their registration online at VoteWA.gov. Voter registration forms are available at the Elections Department and on our website at clarkvotes.org.
For address updates to your existing Clark County registration record, you may call 564-397-2345 or email us at .
Any person needing assistance to register or to vote can contact the Elections Department.
The Elections Office is located at 1408 Franklin St. in downtown Vancouver. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm and from 7 am to 8 pm on Election Day.
It is the responsibility of the Clark County Republican Party to help voters navigate the ballot by providing candidate endorsements and recommendations they can trust. These endorsements are the result of a thorough vetting process that involves detailed candidate surveys, research, and in-person interviews. To receive an endorsement, candidates must demonstrate they affirm the CCRP Core Principles and CCRP Party Platform.
Federal Offices

Donald J. Trump
US Senate

Dr Raul Garcia
3rd Congressional

Joe Kent
Washington State Offices

Dave Reichert
Lt Governor

Dan Matthews
Secretary of State

Dale Whitaker
State Treasurer

Sharon Hanek
State Auditor

Matt Hawkins
Attorney General

Pete Serrano
of Public Instruction

David Olson

Phil Fortunato
18th Leg District
State Senate

Brad Benton
18th Leg District
Position No.1

Stephanie McClintock
18th Leg District
Position No. 2

John Ley
49th Leg District

Lucia Worthington
County Offices
Non-partisan (Recommended)
District No. 3

Chuck Keplar
Position No. 2

Dave Larson
PUD Dist No. 1

Sherry Erickson
Clark County Proposed Charter Amendments
Clark County Republican Party
Lincoln Day Dinner Auction
Saturday July 13, 2024 6:00 PM ~ VIP Reception 4:30 PM
Dinner - Auction - Dessert Dash

Historic 200-acre estate
Accommodating up to 8 guest
Designed for luxury
Donated By Kanati Falls Ranch, LLC
Estimated Value- $2,500

One Cord with Delivery in Clark County
One cord of seasoned firewood delivered anywhere within Clark County, Washington
Donated by Glenn Kincaid
Estimated Value - $400
Please Join Us For Our Lincoln Day Dinner Fundraiser.
Meal choices include Beef, Chicken, or Vegetarian. All meals are gluten free, except bread.
General Admission: $125 per Ticket
VIP Reception: $125 per Ticket (30 Tickets)
We are pleased and honored to invite you to the VIP reception located at the gorgeous AC Vancouver Waterfront Hotel outside fireplace patio. It is a privilege to have you with us at this special occasion to meet President Trump‘s former acting Secretary of Defense, Christopher C Miller and our endorsed Republican candidate for Congress, Joe Kent. Please arrive at 4:30 PM and park in the complimentary AC Hotel parking garage. The reception will include personalized social time with Mr. Miller and Mr. Kent, hors d’oeuvres, a glass of wine or well drink and autographed books; Soldier Secretary and Send Me.
AC Hotel on the Vancouver Waterfront
333 W Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98660
Free Parking Garage — Limited Spots Available

Please complete the PDC required information below and then you can advance to the ticket sales.
Lincoln Day Dinner
Saturday July 13, 2024 6:00 PM ~ VIP Reception 4:30 PM
Dinner - Auction - Dessert Dash

Keynote Speaker
Christopher C. Miller
Trump Acting Secretary of Defense
Christopher C. Miller is a retired United States Army Special Forces colonel who served as acting United States Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump. He previously served as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Before his civilian service in the Department of Defense, Miller was a Green Beret, commanding 5th Special Forces Group in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Chris Miller is a true American warrior whose incredible journey from Iowa to Afghanistan to Iraq to the White House endeared him to the troops, prepared him for the unprecedented crisis of January 6, and left him deeply concerned about the future of our military and the future of our nation.
Chris shares his story in his book- “Soldier Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies”
Joe Kent For Congress
Washington's 3rd Congressional District

Joe Kent is a retired 20-year-veteran of our nation’s Special Forces and a widower raising his two young sons in Yacolt, Washington State. His first wife, who also served, was killed while fighting ISIS in Syria. Four years later, he married Heather Kaiser.
Following his military service and work as a field operative in the CIA, Joe served as a foreign policy advisor to President Trump and as a project manager for technology company before retiring on his military pension in January of 2023 to devote himself fully to the campaign.
Joe shares his story in his book- “Send Me: The True Story of a Mother at War”
Semi Bird For Governor
Washington State

Semi Bird is a career American who has spent a lifetime in service to his country and community. Raised in Seattle since age 7, Semi dropped out of high school after completing his junior year and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. This set him on a path where he'd eventually enroll in the U.S. Army in 2001. From there, despite his lack of schooling, he had positioned himself for a bright future including Army Special Forces Intelligence and Operations. Semi went to achieve a Master’s Degree, became Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador in Bangladesh, Federal Director of Training & Leadership Development for the U.S. Department of Energy, Richland school board director, and Associate Director of Professional Development and Community Education, Washington State University Tri-Cities.
Dale Whitaker for Secretary of State
Washington State

Dale Whitaker moved to Spokane Washington in 2008 after emigrating from the United Kingdom to the United States. Proudly becoming a citizen in 2015, Dale and his wife, Sabreen, have deeply rooted their lives and small businesses within the community. He runs a small tax practice, and his wife operates a cleaning business. Dale is dedicated to ensuring that Washington’s elections are secure, transparent, and accessible to all. With a deep understanding of the challenges facing our electoral system, he brings a unique perspective as a small business owner and an engaged community member.
Matt Bumala
Chairman Clark County Republican Party

Matt Bumala has proven his mettle as the Clark County Republican Party Chairman. Following decades of division and strife, his steady leadership has helped transform the culture of the CCRP to become unified in a way most seasoned observers thought impossible. Matt is husband to Jamie, father of four beautiful children, a successful business owner, musician and for those needing a fourth for your local golf tournament, Matt is a scratch golfer.
AC Hotel on the Vancouver Waterfront
333 W Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98660
Free Parking Garage — Limited Spots Available

June Walklists have been added.
Your Election Integrity Team has added a few new features in the Walk Lists:
- They have color coded the lines for voters who have not voted since prior to the November, 2020 election. They have found that many of these have moved and are possible targets for Voter Challenges.
- Many of the candidates are canvassing for Voters who are likely to vote in a Primary election. So one of the newly added hidden fields is Primary Frequency. A value of “0” means that this is either a newly registered voter or a voter who has never voted in a primary. The number “1” means that they have voted in one primary. The “2” means they have voted in 2 primary elections etc. with “4” meaning they are a high frequency voter in primaries.
- They have also added a hidden field for General Frequency which uses the same numbering but identifying how frequent the voter has voted in a General Election.We have added a sheet called “instructions” to each PCO spread sheet with the above information and some information on how to “Unhide” some of these columns.