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CCRP Newsletter March 23, 2025

CCRP Newsletter March 23, 2025

Clark County Republican Party‍


Almost sold out! Get your tickets now!

The Lincoln Day Dinner is traditionally the largest fundraiser of the year. Come enjoy good food, fabulous speakers, a fun auction and support the local Clark County Republican Party. Auction items ranging from a SIG 365 compact 9 mm pistol with Streamlight flashlight, custom carved knives, golf with the Clark County Republican Party Chairman Matthew Bumala and many more!


C-TRAN Board ‍Controversy

Many Republicans, including CCRP Chair Matt Bumala, expressed concerns about the ongoing push for tolls and light rail despite decades of opposition from residents. The actions of the council, particularly the removal of Councilor Michelle Belkot from the C-TRAN board, raise questions about representation and accountability. See the entire meeting and public comments here.

Opinion: ‘They just keep coming, and coming, and coming’‍

Clark County Today editor Ken Vance analyzes the growing legal conflict surrounding Councilor Michelle Belkot’s removal from the C-TRAN board. Read it here.

Support Councilor Belkot

Councilor Belkot has pursued legal counsel and has been advised her case has strong merit and will likely set precedent when fully adjudicated. This will be a long, and expensive litigation. Please consider supporting this action.

The voters of Clark County have voted to reject light rail in Clark County on three separate occasions. At the March 18, 2025 Clark County Council meeting approximately 150 citizens were in attendance with several dozen offering public testimony. Easily 80% of those who spoke during the 2-1/2 hours of comment were there to support Michelle and oppose the actions of the other council members.

Help support Michelle Belkot here.

Washington Legislative Information

With Democrats having the majority in Washington, it is more important than ever to voice your opinion to your representatives.

House Current Floor Activity

Senate Current Floor Activity

You can watch live or recorded sessions at

Get information on dates and bills at or

Fight back: Take action against these bad bills! -

SB 5077‍ - Concerning expansion of voter registration services by government agencies.

It is already very easy to register to vote; instead, we must shore up election security! The new law would significantly expand voter registration services (way beyond the DMV).

More information here.

HB 1321‍ - Concerning the governor's authority to limit outside militia activities within the state.

In this video, Julie Barrett gives an update on Washington State's controversial House Bill 1321 and why it's a dangerous overreach that threatens public safety and national security. This bill would give the governor unchecked power to block out-of-state military forces, including National Guard units, from entering Washington without his approval—unless they're federally activated.

HB 1392 -‍ Creating the medicaid access program.

Rep. Jim Walsh explains why SHB 1392 misses the mark on Medicaid reform

Which bills survived the cutoff, and a budget battle lies ahead: An update from Rep. John Ley‍

Every session, the Legislature must write and enact the state’s three spending budgets – operating, transportation, and capital – which is arguably our most important job in Olympia. According to recent forecasts, we are facing a huge budget shortfall this year. However, the state doesn’t have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem. No serious economist believes we are in a recession.

Read More here.

Major Taxes Proposed in Budget, Here's How They Hurt You | Paul Guppy‍

LD 20 Virtual Town Hall

Join Rep. Peter Abbarno and Rep. Ed Orcutt, to ask us questions about the issues and proposed legislation that matter most to you this legislative session.

They are hosting a virtual town hall at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Participants need to register in advance for the event, which will take place on Zoom.

I encourage you to share this invitation with other residents of the 20th Legislative District.

roberts rules of order

Have you ever felt like you wanted to participate in official meetings, but weren't comfortable doing so because you didn't know the rules and process? Do you wonder what all the motions mean and why or how they are used? If so, come check out our Robert's Rules of Order (RR0) Orientation class! We will answer those and more!

  • Topics of Discussion!
  • Purpose and Goals of RRO
  • The Deliberative Process
  • Types and Purpose of Motions
  • Putting it all Together
  • Practicing it Live
  • Q & A

Saturday, April 5th from 9:00 - 11:30 @ the CCRP HQ
Register with Kirk at:
See you there!

County seeks applicants for Community Action Advisory Board‍

The 15-member board makes recommendations about local government funding for basic needs, self-sufficiency, and housing programs.

Deadline is Friday, April 4


PCO‍ Vacant Precincts
Are you the next representative for your Precinct?

What is a PCO?

What Precinct am I in? At MapsOnline: choose search, type in your address, and review your legislative district and precint information.

Do I have a PCO? Enter your precinct # in the search bar to see if you have a PCO.

My precinct is vacant, who can I contact to get more information?

Contacting the LD Director is the first step. LD Directors - click on the respective director and complete the contact form to send your information.These form submissions go directly to the LD Director.


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 Clark County Republican Party | PO Box 205, Vancouver WA 98666

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