| Clark County Republican Party‍ |
Every VOTE CountsThe Secretary of State certifies hand recount for Commissioner of Public Lands Primary Race The recount indicated a 49-vote margin separating second-place finisher Dave Upthegrove from Republican Sue Kuehl Pederson, who finished third in the contest. The margin originally stood at 51 votes. Read more.

Sherry Erickson Clark Public Utilities Commissioner Meet and Greet
TUESDAY September 10th, 2024 6:00 PM
Aero Club 9901 NE 7th Ave, Ste C-200 Vancouver, WA 98685 |

September is HALF TIME between the 2024 Primary and General Elections!
Join us for a fun CCRW celebration of Republican candidate Primary Election wins on
Thursday, September 19th, 2024 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Battle Ground Community Center 912 E Main St, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Advanced Registration is Required by Sept. 12th
Casual attire - wear the T-Shirt of a candidate you support. Enjoy game day snacks and dinner fare, complimentary wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverages, and dessert.
Get tickets here. |

Featured keynote speaker Riley Gaines This will be an exciting program featuring a slate of prominent Republicans, award presentations recognizing the outstanding work of top Republicans from across Washington State, and keynote addresses from our featured guests - paired with a great meal and wonderful company. This is always a wonderful event to be at as you get the opportunity to meet and network with Republican leaders, elected officials, candidates, fellow supporters from across the state, all while supporting the important work of the Washington State Republican Party as we make our final push for the 2024 Election. Date: Friday, September 13 Time: VIP Reception @ 5:30pm General Reception @ 5:30pm Dinner Program @ 7pm - 9pm Where: Hyatt Regency Bellevue 900 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004
More info here Register here |

Judge Dave Larson is our candidate for Washington State Supreme Court. He is a nationally known speaker at judicial conferences around the world and very committed to rule in accordance with the State and Federal constitutions.
Joe Kent is a retired 20-year-veteran of our nation’s Special Forces. Joe’s candidacy for US Congress is focused on restoring common sense Republican values and defeating the woke extremist Democrat Congresswoman Marie Perez.
Dinner will be Smoked Beef Brisket and Oven Roasted Rosemary Chicken with all the wonderful side dishes.
Get Tickets at https://skamaniarepublicans.org/ |
The Clark County Council seeks applicants for county position number 1 on library board‍. The at-large position is designated for a Clark County resident living outside the Vancouver and Camas city limits. The opening is for an unexpired term beginning immediately and ending Dec. 31, 2024. Application deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. More information here.
‍Proposition 4 - City Of Vancouver
This proposition will be on the ballot Nov 5 which includes traffic camera’s/ticketing. This would increase property taxes in the city, by approximately $500 annually. Read More here.
City of Vancouver seeks volunteers to fill multiple boards and commissions positions Applications must be submitted by Sept. 27. Get more details here. ‍ |
Board Of Health Seeks Applicants For Position On Public Health Advisory Council ‍The Clark County Board of Health is accepting applications for a Public Health Advisory Council position representing the educational community. The term for the volunteer position begins as soon as it’s filled and ends Sept. 30, 2027.
More details here.

Founding Principles Training Opportunity
Fellow Republicans. Are you tired of seeing our liberties and rights trashed? Are you tired of seeing our elected, and unelected, officials continue to roll out programs and spending like money was free for the printing? They are getting away with those things because We the People have allowed it. We have allowed it because we have lost the understanding of our founding principles and documents. And therefore, we can’t/don’t hold the officials accountable to their oath of office!
Because of this, your CCRP Executive Board has recognized the problem and believes the long-term solution is to educate citizens on these topics so they can either hold the officials accountable or run for office themselves. But to do so, there needs to be a qualified teacher. Well, the wait is over. We have found a truly down to Earth expert, Matt Erickson, who has spent over 35,000 hours over 35 years studying the founding documents, legal decisions, and other related historical records. From that research, he has authored 13 books and created the LearnTheConstitutionInOneYear Program Course. He also is the Founder and President of the for-profit Patriot Corps, LLC and also the non-profit Foundation For Liberty. As such, he has the knowledge and experience to help us gain an understanding of what we need to know to hold our officials to their oaths.
Matt will be providing a FREE 2 ½ hour Introduction to our Founding Principles class on Saturday, Oct 5th from 9:30 – 12:00 at US Digital 1400 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, WA.
Please register by clicking the links below. Contact with questions. |
The Clark County Republican Party invites you to join us for appetizers and an evening of socializing with local candidates! |
Election Night Watch Party November 5th, 2024 $10 pre-payment required |
| Cloverlane Event Center 16391 NE 182nd Ave Hockinson, WA 98606 |
Full bar provide for individual purchases. Pre-registration is required to help us plan for food. Please arrive after 7pm. |
Candidates that are scheduled to appear include: |
Questions/More Information:
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