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The Results Are In - Caucus 2024

The Results Are In - Caucus 2024

Clark County Republican Party‍

The Clark County Republican Caucus provided a unique chance for neighbors to come together, engage in political discourse, and select delegates and alternates for the upcoming Convention March 16, 2024. It's always inspiring to witness the democratic process in action, as individuals from every precinct actively participate in shaping the future.


Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Whether you were unable to attend the Caucus or simply want to contribute more, we've got some exciting opportunities for you to get involved and help shape the future of Clark County. Volunteer Today.

‍Elect delegates (plus alternates) to the Washington State Republican Convention and adopt the Clark County Republican Party Platform.


Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds - All Day Event
Delegates and Alternates who were elected at the Clark County Caucus
Delegates $20ºº | Alternates $10ºº | Guests $5ºº
Tickets available now.

Location: Spokane,WA

Time: 2 full days of meetings (April 19-20).
Please visit for details.

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 Clark County Republican Party | PO Box 205, Vancouver WA 98666

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