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CCRP - State of the Party

CCRP - State of the Party

Clark County Republican Party‍

The State of the Clark County Republican Party


Greetings fellow Republicans!


2023 was quite the year of growth and success for our party. There are some exciting things in store for 2024 as we approach a Presidential election and I wanted to give a review on noteworthy highlights from this last year in terms of our fundraising efforts and what we’ve accomplished as a party.




First and foremost, the CCRP had 4 successful fundraisers and events. Raising money is a sign of a healthy organization but what we do with that money and how we collaborate and celebrate together is even more important. Our party is committed to not only creating and maintaining a healthy, productive culture – we are committed to WINNING.


Back in March, we had our first fundraiser that we called the “March Stampede”. This brought together well over 100 attendees. There was live music, great food and a strong feeling of comradery that set the tone for the rest of the year. We went into this event with the goal of at least breaking even on the cost because our desire was to build strong relationships within our PCO community and Republican voters. We not only accomplished that goal - we ended up netting close to $10,000 as well.


Later in May, we had another fundraiser called “The Conservative Summit” which was held at Summit Grove Lodge. There was a fun, roaring 20s dress up theme along with great food and drinks. We continued to grow strong bonds within our party members and Republican citizens at this event and we raised an astounding amount of money that netted the party over $40,000.


In July, PCO Glenn Kincaid opened up his property in Washougal for our “Western BBQ” for the CCRP where we had many candidates come to speak. Along with great food, there was fishing for kids, line dancing lessons and an overall great ambiance out in the country on a warm, summer night. The party once again put on an event that brought conservatives together and raised a good amount of money, to the tune of $13,000.


In December we had our last fundraiser – the “Christmas Social”. We held this at Royal Oaks Country Club to a full house. Nearly 200 people came to this event where over 80% of those in attendance were not a part of the CCRP. While the party has enjoyed building a strong, united mission amongst PCOs, it has been encouraging seeing more and more conservative citizens joining the mission. Together we raised over $23,000.


Endorsing/Supporting Candidates


One of the first candidates that the CCRP endorsed early was Joe Kent for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. The PCOs decided with nearly 85% support to endorse Joe Kent early with the goal to get behind one candidate and not repeat another contentious primary like we had experienced during the last election cycle. This endorsement was echoed throughout the other county parties in the 3rd Congressional District and Clark County played a key role in petitioning the Washington State Republican Party for an early endorsement from the State, which was successfully done with approximately 75% support of the governing body at the WSRP.


The CCRP also endorsed many other candidates including Semi Bird for governor. Semi has shown to be a true patriot who puts our constitutional rights first and foremost in his mission to serve our State. It has been too long that our State has been run by democrat leaders and Semi is a breath of fresh air that ALL Washington citizens need.


During our last elections in November, we were able to get behind some great, local candidates for city council and school board. We endorsed and financially supported 3 successful city council candidates – Myrna Leija from La Center and for Battle Ground Eric Overholser and Victoria Ferrer as well as Gary Wilson for school board for the Evergreen School District. The Evergreen School Board had a liberal incumbent who had occupied that seat for over 20 years but by the grace of God and hard working folks within our party, Gary Wilson was elected to that seat by a large margin.


Strategic Operations Plan


What will probably be the most significant product of our efforts this last year will be the implementation of our party’s strategic plan. When this board took over in December of 2022, we were not left with much in terms of an operational system. Through the hard work of many wonderful patriots, we have been putting in place several important operational structures with the design in mind to not only help us win elections and causes here and now, but to also be a structure that will be in place long after we have served our terms. It’s our mission that this continues to keep our party on an upward trajectory for decades to come.


Some of those structures include a candidate vetting system that qualifies potential candidates and avoids pre-maturely supporting someone who would use the republican name without following and abiding by our platform, principals and virtues.


Another structure is our volunteer management system. We’ve put in place an intake form and management system that specifically identifies key areas, activities and candidates that a volunteer would be interested in serving. As this volunteer army continues to grow, the CCRP will be able to strategically deploy out folks with a high level of communication and instruction. By design, this system will avoid causing volunteers to be fatigued into activities that do not suit them or fit their scope of interest. Additionally, it will maintain a dependable army of conservative citizen volunteers who will effectively influence our elections and causes.


Finally, ballot collection. The democrats for years have been harvesting ballots – in many instances illegally. There is a legal way to collect and deliver ballots in Washington State and we have never taken advantage of it. We cannot and will not ignore this strategy moving forward. We are currently organizing a team of people who will be overseeing and organizing a ballot collection effort in our county. The interest for this cause has already been enormous but we will NEED a lot of volunteers to help execute it.


My friends, we have a lot in store for 2024. Our County Convention will be taking place on March 16th and we are in the works of planning a huge Lincoln Day Dinner. As we approach the election season, we are calling on ALL republican voters to be engaged and volunteer in any way possible. It’s going to take more than just our votes to move the needle – it will require us being active in our community and within our sphere of influence.


While I wanted this to mainly focus on the positive things that are happening, I think it’s important to look at the challenges we are facing in our county and in our country. A lot is at stake. Our children are being indoctrinated into leftist ideologies at school. Inflation has skyrocketed the price of basic goods. The cost to fill up our gas tanks is overwhelming for the average citizen. Democrat political leaders and policies have allowed a mass invasion of our southern border the likes of which we still do not know the measure of the long-term dangers and effects it will bring. Crime is rampant and common sense has seemed to slip away but in the midst of the chaos I am witnessing a great awakening of conservatives in our backyard. We are fed up and can no longer remain quiet and stagnant. Now is the time and the time is now to engage and be activists.


We deserve the society that we fight for but we also deserve the society that we tolerate. It’s up to ALL of us to bring the changes that are needed.


May God bless every one of you!




Matthew Bumala
Chairman – Clark County Republican Party

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