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This Sat Feb 3 - CCRP Precinct Caucus

This Sat Feb 3 - CCRP Precinct Caucus

Clark County Republican Party‍

Precinct Caucus Saturday Feb. 3, 2024
Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds Hall B

Parking is FREE! 
Pets not allowed, only trained service animals.

Doors open at 8:30 AM Doors close at 9:55 AM
10:00 AM to 12:45 PM


Election of delegates and alternates for the CCRP County Convention and discussion of issues for the CCRP Party Platform.


Please confirm your precinct at: Verify your precinct location to expedite checking in to the event.


You will also be required to sign a statement that you are a Republican and have not participated nor will not participate in the 2024 caucus or convention system of any other party.


Registered voters must bring a valid form of picture ID in order to caucus. Valid ID include, drivers license, State issued ID, Military ID and US passport.


Register to vote at the caucus: Washingtonians must bring a valid form of ID and proof of residence. Voters are required to be 18 years old by 11/5/24, election day in order to register.

‍Elect delegates (plus alternates) to the Washington State Republican Convention and adopt the Clark County Republican Party Platform.
Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds

Location: Spokane,WA

Time: 2 full days of meetings (April 19-20).

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 Clark County Republican Party | PO Box 205, Vancouver WA 98666

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