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Clark County Republican Precinct Caucus POSTPONED

Clark County Republican Precinct Caucus POSTPONED

Clark County Republican Party‍


In light of the anticipated adverse weather conditions this Friday and Saturday, local schools have informed us that they will be closed on Saturday. Consequently, the scheduled caucus will be postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please be assured that you will receive an email notification with updates regarding the rescheduled date. The website will also include updates as they are available. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued participation in this important process.

Election of delegates and alternates for the CCRP County Convention and discussion of issues for the CCRP Party Platform.


Please confirm your precinct at:

Verify your precinct location as you may not be attending the location closest to where you live.

Clark County Republican Precinct Caucus


Photo ID required. Must be a Washington state registered voter and 18 years old on Nov 5, 2024. You will also be required to sign a statement that you are a Republican and have not participated nor will not participate in the 2024 caucus or convention system of any other party.


Please arrive early, parking may be limited at some locations.

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 Clark County Republican Party | PO Box 205, Vancouver WA 98666

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