PCO 101

PCO 101 PCO 101 Training: Wednesday Sept 25th 6:30 - 9:00 - CCRP HQ You were just appointed as a PCO or are interested in knowing what a PCO is and does. Let's get you up to speed on what's next and introduce you around! We will cover the responsibilities of a PCO, meeting protocols, how PCOs fit in the party, party resources, and opportunities to get started early as a volunteer. Come get to know other PCOs and party leaders in a fun and relaxed atmosphere! Please RSVP to Kirk VanGelder at  to reserve your spot so we can have handouts and snacks ready for you!

Event Information

Event Date 09-25-2024
Event End Date 09-25-2024
Speaker Kirk VanGelder
Number Hours 2
Location Clark County Republican Headquarters

Venue Information - Clark County Republican Headquarters

Clark County Republican Headquarters

2702 NE 114th Ave, Suite 4
Vancouver, WA 98684